Monday, October 1, 2007

Critics oppose expanding drug treatment center in South County

A nationally advertised center for treating alcoholics, drug abusers and others with addiction and behavioral problems wants to expand in south Palm Beach County, but some local officials and residents are saying "No thanks."


George Bush said...


This article had lot of treatments for drug addiction and alcohol addiction. Lot of patients got cured from it. I want to share my opinion and comments with you.

Kevin Williams

Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers.

Frau Simo said...

There are thousands of treatment centers available across the nation and many offer similar soma addiction recovery solution modalities. The level and quality of care offered by the staff is the best and friendly. Most of our staff members have made the journey to treatment themselves and are uniquely qualified to identify with those who are just beginning on the path to recovery. They truly care and are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that encourages one-on-one communication and a 24/7 open door policy.

Unknown said...

Exclusive and extended drug treatment care centers are sought out by young adults who seek long term drug rehab, alcohol rehab, sober living or halfway house, extended care, coming out of wilderness programs, primary drug treatment programs or who have made poor choices due to involvement with drugs and alcohol. In some other cases the young adults are dually diagnosed or have been involved with the legal system and need a long-term program.